10.04.2024 19:29
Arrival at Delivery Office
10.04.2024 05:19
Package sent
09.04.2024 15:08
Departed from [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing international mail exchange station] (transit)
Aschheim, Germany
09.04.2024 00:58
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
08.04.2024 10:47
Customs Clearance
CA, COMPTON, 90220
07.04.2024 20:37
Destination country carrier tracking number
Dongguan international operational department, Dongguan
07.04.2024 06:26
Customs Clearance
Xiamen city airlines center, Xiamen
06.04.2024 16:15
Item presented to export Customs/Security
Nanjing city international company direct report cross-border operational department, Nanjing city
06.04.2024 02:05
Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 9:00pm
CHICAGO, IL, 60620
05.04.2024 11:54
Arrived at Facility
MA, LOWELL, 01854
04.04.2024 21:44
Departed from [Fuzhou International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Fuzhou international mail exchange station] (transit)
Industrial Complex Dundahera SO
04.04.2024 07:33
Departure from Office of Exchange
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
03.04.2024 17:23
Package out for post office delivery
03.04.2024 03:12
Item Bagged
02.04.2024 13:02
Processing at UPS Facility
01.04.2024 22:51
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Putian city mail processing , Putian city
01.04.2024 08:41
Departed from [Nanjing city international company direct report cross-border operational department], next stop [Nanjing exchange]
31.03.2024 18:30
Arrived at [Zhengzhou international mail exchange station] (transit)
CA, SUNLAND, 91040
31.03.2024 04:20
[PL] delivered
International Panyu, Guangzhou city
30.03.2024 14:09
Departure from outward office of exchange
Tracking numbers examples: